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About Us

AusRelief™ is dedicated to alleviating poverty, sickness & under development using intelligent short & long term self sustainability solutions.

With the help of our generous donors and supporters, we assist thousands of people every year. We not only aid the less fortunate but provide them with the tools and skills to aid themselves in the long term.

We assist the needy and less fortunate by helping people build educated, productive, secure, just and self sustainable communities

Our Values

We believe that all people (especially the orphans, aged, disabled, oppressed and widowed) irrespective of race, class, creed or political considerations, are entitled to:

  1. A peaceful, just, healthy and dignified life;
  2. Participate in free choice;
  3. First class education and training;
  4. Thrive and enjoy the fruits of their labour;
  5. A secure and an environmentally sustainable future.
  6. Accordingly, we believe that it is our duty to be effective, responsible and accountable managers of the resources entrusted to us.

Our Philosophy

We believe secure, informed, intellectual, productive and just societies emerge when wealth and resources are distributed effectively to those that are most in need with the intent that those communities are empowered through education, training and self sustainability programs.

We believe that community development cannot be undertaken without inclusive recipient participation and proper accountability.

Duties to Stakeholders

  1. We are ethical in all our dealings;
  2. We treat all people with the utmost of respect;
  3. We are open and transparent;
  4. With full stakeholder engagement, we design, plan, implement, monitor and evaluate our projects;
  5. We are effective, responsible and astute managers of the resources entrusted to us;
  6. We adopt world class management techniques and utilise state of the art technology;
  7. We aim to improve the lives of people by giving them the initial but temporary aid and then the building blocks to support themselves through self development, education and training;
  8. We place incredible emphasis on the self sustainability of the natural and economic environment; and
  9. We will advocate and indeed lobby policy makers for the rights of our stakeholders.

‘Stakeholders’ means our donors, partners and the people we serve.